From the Journal of a Music Man
Posted by Tai Le , Sunday, February 14, 2010 11:35 PM
Hello! I'm back for another installment of blogging about my high school's "The Music Man". As you probably already know, our amazing (it really is!) musical just had it's first week of performances. This upcoming week is out last, and definitely the most gut-wrenching, and sad week ever.. D; I don't want to stop acting, and I don't want to stop doing all that we've learned in the past 4-5 months of rehearsals. I mean, it's been so long AND we put so much effort into it, that I think it'd be nice to perform maybe an extra week?.. kekeke..
Well, before I really jump into more stuff and behind the scenes stuff, here's some more cast pictures taken by our very own stage manager!

Mrs. Paroo and Marian Paroo. Marian is singing "Will I Ever Tell You"

The "Music Man" cast is dancing to the musical number "Shipoopie".

Marcellus (me!) sings the musical number "Shipoopie".

The Quartet sings "It's You" with the Pick-A-Little ladies
doing an interpretive dance to the song.

The cast sings to the number "Wells Fargo Wagon". The song is
about the delivery wagon that is headed to town with their order
of band instruments.

The dance scene during the song "Marian The Librarian" sung by
Harold Hill.

The "Music Man" cast dances to the number "Marian the Librarian".

Harold Hill and his best friend Marcellus Washburn singing
"The Sadder But Wiser Girl". Harold in this song explains what
his type of women he would like.

The men of "The Music Man" tap dances during "76 Trombones".

Oh there's "Trouble" in River City!!!

Harold Hill plots to deceive the town of River City in order
to scam them of their money. How? By convincing them that
their city is in "Trouble".

Harold Hill explains to his best friend Marcellus Washburn
about his plot to con the quiet town of River City.

"Gotta give Iowa a try!!!" - "Iowa Stubborn"
So back to the technical stuff a bit. Okay, so first off, we use mics on stage for the leads. This requires that even though we are mic-ed, we still need to project. Like what happened on Saturday, my mic for the first scene wasn't working. I felt a bit weird at first because my voice wasn't coming out of the speakers, so I knew that I had to project so the rest of the audience would understand what I was speaking. Trust me, this was a bit nerve-wrecking because I didn't know if people were able to understand what I was saying.. :( But I was assured they did..
Oh! Another thing, for our mics, we had them on our ears, and it hooks around our ears and they appear to be like what pop-stars wear. Yup. I feel just like Britney Spears.. The only thing is that the mic need to be taped down to your face.. So the stage crew uses cut of strips of band-aids. Well, the only thing is that I sweat like CRAZY, so the band-aids suck at sticking to my face..
So I'm always worried about if my mic is going to fall off.. Luckily, there's this genius invention called teh "water-proof band-aid".. You know, the clear and "invisible" like band-aid.. That one is like my savior! it sticks with peeling off ever, and I'm never afraid.. Too bad I don't get to use it as often.. D;
Oh! The scene changes are like SOO fast! We have roll-ons, so in every scene, we have to be quick in changing and putting things on and off. The techies are doing such an amazing job.. ;)
The pit (orchestra) is doing fantastic too. It's just sometimes they're not keeping time with us cast, and sometimes us cast rushes.. I mean, it's not horribly horrible, it's just that not enough people are looking the conductor in the pit or glancing at him during songs to get the time..
I've learned SO much so far, and I am continuing to learn a lot more. Seriously, I think I'm ready to audition for our spring comedy now. I'm really excited! I hope to get a part in the play.. :P A lead perhaps? Haha..
So the show's about half-way done.. D; I don't really want it to end.. But things have to move on I guess.. and this is where I leave for now. I'll be back in a few days and I'll talk some more about the show, and show some more pictures. Right now it's 1:00 am in the morning, and I fear my body is about ready for bed. So I'll talk to you guys real soon! xoxo
See ya soon! :)
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