From the Journal of a Music Man
Posted by Tai Le , Saturday, February 13, 2010 1:15 AM
Hey guys! It's been like, what? Close to 1/3rd of a month since I last updated you on life? Well, life is soo superb! We just had our opening night yesterday for:
The Music Man!!!
Yes, I've been rehearsing for about 5 months with the cast, and everyone, and it's all paying off!
We kicked off the past 2 months with rehearsals just about EVERYDAY, and it's helped tremendously. But the last 2 (and a half) weeks, we've been taking rehearsals from 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm. It helps the kids in the show, and the rest of the cast get used to late rehearsals, and the stress of getting your homework done on time, and NOT BLOGGING AT 1:23 am in the morning..
Haha. I have a show tomorrow.. Actually I have a matinee, and an evening performance tomorrow. Call for us is at 11:30 am, and I'm so ready! Have I ever told you that I ADORE the stage??? Haha.. I think it suits me very well.
Oh! Before I forget, our vocal coach, and "pit"-band director worked with me on "Shipoopie" for the show, and we were able to fix the glitches on the high-parts of the songs, and the REALLY high parts that I have to sing in falsetto for an A above the treble cleft... Si..
So now everytime I sing that song, it's becoming a part of me, and a part of my "comfort" spot. Seriously, who knew training your voice helps you sing better!! J/K...
OKAY! I feel really hyper right now. I think it's the fact that I really want to fall asleep, and that I have tons of clothes that need to be sorted.. Gah chores.. why must you taunt me???
Oh! So my costume pieces are amazing.. :) My character, Marcellus works at the Stable, so in the first couple of scenes, I'm in a dirty "apron" and unbuttoned shirt, and rolled-up sleeves.. But! I get to change into an amazing VEST and tie for "Marion the Librarian" dance scene.. From there on, I wear that outfit, but change into our school colors!!! A teal collared green vest, and it's my favorite outfit EVER! I get t0 wear it, and sing "Shipoopie" with it.. And from then on, I keep the vest, but wear a jacket over it. Boy don't I wish I could just show you!!! :(
Well, since I can't really show you, I'll show a few images from the show :)

"Trouble" a musical number on how the town River City, Iowa is in deep
doo-doo from the pool hall opening, and their young-lins being "brain-
washed" by harmful actions

Our "Music Man" introduces the bickering chairmen of Education
to music, and makes the form a barbershop quartet.
(Image rights to Teegarden Photography)

The boys of the Barbershop Quartet.
(Image rights to Teegarden Photography)

The entire cast performing "Wells Fargo Wagon" about the supply vehicle
that is about to head towards town to deliver their new band instruments.

Conman Harold Hill with his best friend Marcellus Washburn. Harold
is able to con the town of River City with help from Marcellus.
Well, I guess that's really it! I'll probably come back tomorrow and update you on the technical stuff, and the acting and what I've really learned so far!
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