From the Journal of a Music Man
Posted by Tai Le , Saturday, February 27, 2010 11:14 PM
Well, I'm moving on.. Haha. This upcoming week is our Circuit Overseer's visit! I'm really excite :D Can't you tell??? Also, it's our Spring show auditions too. We're doing "The Foreigner", and I hope to land a role. The show's is a comedy, and once I know more about it, I'll tell you.
OMG I have been off on school work the past week. Music Man has kicked my butt, and so has senioritis. D; It hurts. I don't want to do bad!! Aza Aza Fighting!!! I'm going to get caught up, get my work in on time, and get straight A's this semester!!! P.S. Last semester I had ONE B... Stupid Statistics.. Haha..
OH! I found out that I have more witnesses at my school than I thought.. Twins, and an Asian! Yay! I'm too afraid to talk to them though.. Haha. I have Statistics with the twins, and Creative Writing with one of the twins. I feel that I'm smiling more at them.. Maybe trying to break the awkward-ness between us three.. Uh.. :p
Okay, so I have Creative Writing this semester, and I really love having it! It's really such a nice class to relax, and I definitely know that the teacher likes me.. Haha I mean, she's also my senior Humanities teacher.. So no tension between us..
LET'S SEE... I'm missing:
-Extension on Sonnets (Humanities/FAME)
-Hamlet Dialectical Journal Act 1
-Hamlet Dialectical Journal Act 2 (extension!)
-Statistics Extension :(
I need to read Hamlet tomorrow before school... WHY?! Ugh.. Shakespearean language is not my forte. Actually, is it really anyone's forte?
Okay so a bit back on the musical business.. During the musical, I lost weight!! Can you believe that?! And now that it's gone, I'm afraid that I'm gradually earning it back.. EWW.. So I think I'm going to work out on Monday.. and Wednesday.. And Thursday.. ;D I know, it's such a sacrifice.. But at least I won't be procrastinating on my homework! YAY!
I think I'm going to run, lift some weight.. (I need to get some muscle back).. definitely swim.. and maybe take a class with Roxe or Kamilia.. ;) My gym buddies! *hugs*
Well, I think I'm going to go now.. Maybe check the internet for something fun to do? Or maybe I really should go to bed.. HAHA XD I have early morning service with Robert & Justin tomorrow.. Yay!
Night guys!
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