Circuit Assembly! (January 3, 2009 - January 4, 2009)
Posted by Tai Le , Saturday, January 3, 2009 9:41 PM
So we just had our first day of the first Circuit Assembly of the 2009 year! YAY! I was really excited for this because it was delayed due to the snow storm a while back... BOO T_T Yes, so the first day was really encouraging! Especially the experieces. (Brother and Sister Brown) I also really enjoyed the Symposium: Stand Firm Against the Devil's Crafty Acts, and the talk on "Beware of Overconfidence!". I'll write more about these two days later on. (Probably tomorrow). I'm staying up late tomorrow to finish/start my winter break homework that's due on Monday. (You know, I feel a lot dumber than usual... :D) So The first half of Saturday, we had 1221 people, and the second half, 1263 people (or was it 1265?) Oh Well. I was so surprised! And! 6 new baptized publishers! Including Thy, and Minh!) Okay, so I'll post up the first day of pictures today! I think this journal/blog will be a photography journal... So, yeah! ^.^
Welcome the new brother!
Yay Thy! I'm so happy!
She's being dipped!
Youth group picture!
Finally! She comes out! It's been 20 minutes!
Another youth group picture! The flash helps clear some of the shadows. (Thanks Jon!)

Minh's the first to go in the dip!

Alright! That's it for tonight! The last picture is an awesome picture! Just look at the clouds! It's seems very unrealistic! It's looks a lot like Leonardo Da Vinci's paintings... just the color.. Oh well. See ya!
Signing Off,
Currently Listening to: Ti Amo - Fahrenheit
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